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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

strawberry fruit benefits and dangers for the body
fruits strawberry

 Strawberry is the fruit of a herbaceous plant which have an average of 200 seeds per one small fruit. There are 700 kinds of strawberry. One of the species named Fragaria L. chiloensis this type spread to many countries of America, Europe and Asia. Other species that is F. vesca L. This one is more widespread than other species. These same types of strawberry was first entered Indonesia. The red color in the ripe strawberry is reasonable. The red color is caused because the fruit is rich in anthocyanin pigment color and high in antioxidants. Hearing the word antioxidant, you already know that it means so much usefulness. And you are right! Strawberries save exceptional nutrition. In addition to these antioxidants, it is also rich in fiber, low in calories, and contains vitamin C, folate, potassium, and ellagic acid.Want to know the properties of strawberry?1. Strawberry able to shrink cholesterol levels.2. Strawberry can help immobilize the active work of cancer because it contains the ellagic acid.3. Strawberry can reduce the symptoms of a stroke.4. Strawberry contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory.5. The concentration of seven antioxidants that exist in strawberry higher than other fruits or vegetables, so that the strawberry is a fruit that is effective in preventing the oxidation process in the body (Oxidation is the destruction of body tissues by free radicals. Oxidation is also responsible for the aging process).6. Strawberry rich in vitamin C is very beneficial for the growth of children.7. Strawberry that contains little sugar is also suitable for the diet for people with diabetes.8. Strawberry eaten regularly can smooth the skin and make the skin color look brighter and cleaner. Other notable properties that are anti-wrinkle!9. Strawberry can whiten or clean the tooth surface.10. Strawberry effective against gout and arthritis.11. strawberry leaves is also beneficial because it has astringent substances. Three to four cups of water decoction of leaves of strawberry per day, can effectively stop the attacks of diarrhea.12. The need for vitamin C an adult per day can be satisfied by 8 strawberries (98 mg). Also at the same fiber needs can be met.Efficacy-side properties are still abundant in the fruit. For health, the most nice strawberry eaten fresh, either whole or created juice. Usefulness if already made jam or part of processed foods, will be greatly reduced. Therefore, try to consume fresh strawberry.
strawberry fruit benefits and dangers for the body

VIVAnews - Strawberries are a tempting fruit. Serve any dish, can still attract the attention of your taste. But, you know, that strawberries were quite dangerous if consumed by a number of you who have health problems? Such as, allergies, gastritis, gastroduodenitis and other stomach disorders.Strawberries can be harmful could be consumed by people:Stomach upsetFresh fruit can cause people who suffer from disorders of the stomach can cause serious mucosal irritation. Dangerous is the strawberry seeds that covers the entire surface of the fruit. Although it looks attractive seeds are able to cause disturbances in your gastrointestinal tract.Rheumatic aches (gout) and HypertensionThere is also a belief that the strawberries are not acceptable body stiff alias gout sufferers. While for those who suffer from hypertension also abstain from consuming this red fruit. The medics had been advocated to be careful eating strawberries, because there are nasty substances in strawberry seeds that can reduce kidney function.AllergyStrawberries are just forbidden for people who are highly allergic, because the pore structure of the berry can cause allergies is very strong.Why Strawberry Dangerous?For those of you who do not have health complaints above, you should also need to be careful when eating this fruit. From the outside, this fruit looks pretty clean, but at the same time may contain harmful parasites. At the time of the strawberry farmers adding organic fertilizer that is where the breeding of parasites.You can not get rid of the parasite simply by rinsing the fruit with water. All you have to do to eliminate dangerous parasites it is with special process, namely by ozonizer. Strawberries with ozone treatment no harm because of the good qualities of strawberries can still be obtained. With this system of health hazards can be minimized.

1 comment:

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