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Friday, January 22, 2016

banana benefits for healt

Benefits banana

Friend of all, health tips. Such as a variety of other fruits, bananas also has properties or benefits when consumed. Many of us who believe that this fruit has various benefits hidden in it. That is why, in order to clarify the efficacy of bananas, health tips will reveal various properties of the fruit of this one. The following properties of bananas that never have guessed:

Losing weight naturally. For those of you who have problems with weight, then regularly consume this fruit can help you lose weight you have. This is because, this fruit contains a relatively small amount of calories.
Balance the amount of fluid in the body. The body needs sufficient amount of fluid to support all of the performance of the organs in the body. Therefore, the content of potassium in bananas is very important to help balance the amount of fluid in the body.
Susceptible to diseases such as flu, cough and others ... ???. Start eating a banana. The content of vitamin C in the fruit helps boost the immune system you have.
Want healthy bones ... ???. Eating bananas regularly may help nourish your bones. This is because, this fruit is a fruit that contains manganese which is quite high.
Increase the energy needed by the body in an instant. Currently increased daily activity, eat a banana. It is intended that the body does not quickly exhausted or tired in the density of activity or your work.
Facilitate the digestive system in your body. Regularly consume this fruit can help your digestive system performance better. So that various nutrients from the food you eat can be absorbed and used by the body optimally well.
As a natural constipation medicine. Bananas can also help facilitate defecation you. That is why, eat bananas to avoid hardening of the stool as an early symptom of constipation.


  1. may be you should make the alignment more tidy..
    if u like banana, try my recipes
