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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Benefits of Fruit Avocados
fruit avocado
Fruit Avocados Sometimes people call it by the name of the fruit Avocado and if in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian fruit is called the fruit of avocado, fruit Avocados have a Latin name Persea Americana in which plant the fruit came from Mexico and Central America, and now the plant has been evenly spread around the equator in this world, Who would have thought this Poorer Avocados have benefits that are very Good for Pregnant œLah therefore Kesematan At this time we will try to discuss the Avocado fruit benefits that could be useful for pregnant women, therefore you shall listen to the Mother blog article on the benefits of this fruit. 

Avocado fruit tree can reach a height of 20 meters and daunya along 13 to 25 cm, hidden flowers with yellow-green color and a size of 5 to 10 millimeters. Its size varies from 7 to 20 centimeters, with a mass of 100 to 1000 grams; large seeds, 5 to 6.4 centimeters, Well obviously not been enough description of this Avocado fruit, Let us now see the benefits of this Avocado fruit. 
Avocado Fruit Benefits For Pregnant Women

1. Avocados efficacious to maintain the beauty of the skin to make it look more moist. Moreover, the state of the pregnant woman becomes sensitive skin due to hormonal changes.

2. Substances contained in the anti aging beauty cream with high prices was also contained in an avocado to prevent premature aging.

3. Avocados contain a variety of substances and skin vitamins needed in the formation of collagen tissue, besides avocado also contains nutrients iron, calcium, phosphorus, Zodium, potassium, vitamins A and C, and vitamin B complex, and E.

4. Besides beneficial for healthy skin and hair avocado is also useful to prevent disease Spina Bifida in the fetus. Spina Bifida is a discharge of spinal cord tissue of the back. The risk would be inhibited by Folic acid is contained in an avocado.

5. Folic acid is an important nutrient for pregnant women consumed so that potential baby avoid defects of the brain and spinal cord damage. It turns out a lot of avocado fruit so beneficial for women who are undergoing pregnancy.

It is better if you've read this article Efficacy Fruit Avocados, you wish to share this article to your friends through social media such as Facebook and others that later this article could be a benefit for many people.

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