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Sunday, February 7, 2016

whether the danger pineapple to virgins

Whether the danger pineapple to virgins

fruits pineapple

Most people, especially women are afraid to eat the fruit of this one. Not a few myths about the pineapple. In Indonesia hereditary pineapple is regarded as a fruit that can cause infertility.
Parents used to be 'always said, "Son of a virgin, do not eat pineapple." Even from ancient times until now the pineapple is considered good if eaten by girls.
Since the time of pineapple ancestors are believed to have an abortion. For the myth that one is, the fact is true. The content of young pineapple abortivum or potential as a drug that can have an abortion. Hence, pineapple is often used to treat menstrual late. Therefore, pregnant women are advised not to consume young pineapple.
But the truth is that pineapple fruit rich in virtue. Myths about pineapple turns mostly wrong, so do not be afraid to eat pineapple!
Many studies stating that pineapple powerful tool for recovery. For example, a woman who just gave birth if you want to quickly recover, just eat pineapple. Well loh..tadi pregnant women should not eat pineapple, now a woman who just gave birth encouraged to eat a pineapple? Do not be confused, just remember when we could eat pineapple and when we should not eat pineapple. Due to remember "Pineapple is rich in benefits, but can also cause side effects, too."
Instead of a headache immediately wrote we discussed. The fruit that comes from Brazil is potentially a medicinal plant, the content of substances contained in pineapple fruit has many benefits. Among them, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain which is stored in the pineapple fruit can make our internal defense system becomes more solid, as well as a fruit that has a scaly skin this can prevent serious diseases, such as tumors, atherosclerosis (narrowing of blood vessels), and beriberi. Pineapple fruit is also rich in the enzyme bromelain.
The enzyme bromelain itself efficacious as anti-inflammatory, interfere with cancer cell growth, and prevent blood clots (blood coagulation).
Pineapple is one of the few fruits that have aspartic acid content is quite high. Aspartic acid serves as the amino acid in our bodies that help the body's metabolic processes. This acid also helps remove ammonia acid in the body.
Ammonia is a toxin that is harmful to the central nervous system. Besides pineapple also has benefits similar to the banana, pineapple also contains fiber which is useful to aid digestion, reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Pineapple fiber of 150 grams is equivalent to half of the orange. Besides vitamins and minerals makes the pineapple a good source of vitamin C and various other vitamins.

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