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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

benefit of seed extract papaya
biji biji pepaya

Not many know that papaya seeds that we usually waste, it has a myriad of benefits.One of them, to get rid of toxins that accumulate in the intestines and liver us.Research shows that toxins can accumulate up weighing eight kilograms in our intestines.Papaya seed extract even able to protect the kidneys of toxins that trigger kidney failure problems.Papaya seeds are also able to kill the parasite within nested in digestion.

Revelation doctor Triasmara, the Club Diet Healthy With dr. Revelation Triasmara - DRW on Facebook on February 28, 2015, explains,

papaya seeds also contain anti-cholesterol terrific.Consuming papaya seeds are also useful as an antioxidant in the blood.It is proven in research on juice papaya seeds, can significantly lower cholesterol and LDL (low density lipoprotein), as well as increasing levels of HDL.Ekstrak this papaya seeds contain alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones saponi, and anthocyanosides. Given the content of the extract, papaya seeds hipolipidemia and this has the effect of antioxidants in the blood remarkable.

This hipolipidemia effect, very useful for alternative therapies hyperlipidemia caused by the vegetable fat or cholesterol amounts too high.

Meanwhile, saponin contained in papaya seeds, useful for lowering serum cholesterol activities such as resin action, namely by reducing the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids.Through inhibition of LDL cholesterol oxidation reaction is, it can lower blood cholesterol levels.The content of Phytochemicals have an active role for the prevention of disease.While Flavonoids are antioxidants that can capture free radicals, "he explained.Then, how to consume papaya seeds that nourish it? There are two ways.First, the papaya seeds blended and served as we make juice.Secondly, by drying, and meblendernya, before menyeduhnya as we brew coffee.For the second way, so steps should be done.

1.  WASHING SEEDS PAPAYA, then drying 2-3 DAYS.



(Or it could be made directly mixed meat juice papaya fruit with seeds and drink 1-2 glasses of juice of papaya seeds is every day).

Prove it in 14 days you are more healthy digestive body more fit.Revelation doctor said: "My family and has been tried, my parents were previously cholesterol 270, within 10 days to 170.

My patients has also applied this method. Safe and natural ... "

Please be shared to friends, family, or even people who do not know though Sodara May we always get the knowledge, guidance and protection of God Subhana wata'ala wherever we are ... Aamiin yes Rabbal'alaamiin ....

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Now I will explain the benefits of fruits and vegetables, namely:
Benefits of Fruit corn
Corn for health benefits

Corn is a healthy food consumed, partially even people in Indonesia there that makes maize as a staple food that replaces the role of rice.
Corn is also used as food are also used as flour, is made as pop corn, while corn boiled as a substitute for a good meal snack.
In addition there is also maize corn is corn that has not had a hard seed, corn for health benefits also can not be denied.
Regardless of corn for health benefits, these foods are good to eat much less it is sweet corn.
in addition to benefit hunger relief maize for food, corn is also good for health. What are the benefits of corn for health.

Here's his review.
Corn for Health Benefits
Health Benefits of Corn for Body :

1. Corn as a source of calories

Corn is one of the foods that are full of calories, calories in 100 maize is 342 grams.
The number of calories in corn make this corn as food its important role in the fulfillment of basic human needs, be it food substitute for rice or human need for flour used in making cakes.

2. Prevent hemorrhoids

Corn for further health benefits are as anti-hemorrhoid diet.
In 1 cup corn alone contains 18.4% daily fiber your body needs, needs fiber is important in making the performance of the digestive health to be smooth, If digestion faltered, then all other things come faltered.
Then consume corn with regular corn could be the food releasing feces,In addition, corn is also likely to produce stomach acid.
It is recommended for you to consume on a regular basis for the fulfillment of corn fiber and other nutrients.

3. Corn as a source of antioxidants

Juag corn for health benefits can not be separated from the many antioxidant content in corn.
Antioxidants play an important role in the body in order to throw cancer-causing free radicals,
cause skin damage and prevent premature aging. The existence of antioxidants is very beneficial to human health, because it induces apoptosis in cancer cells, and maintaining healthy non-cancerous cells.

4. Protect the heart

One of the benefits of corn for great health is to maintain and protect the health of the heart.
The protection given by corn because corn oil content is beneficial in reducing the risk of various cardiovascular diseases. Corn oil is the best method in maintaining heart health.
So, taking heart turned out great boondoggle for the heart.
But still should be limited to avoid excess calories in the body that can membawaki in obesity.
Anyway everything is consumed within reasonable limits, is not little and not excessive.

5. Preventing anemia

Corn contains folic acid and vitamin B12. Anemia is a medical condition that occurs because the body lacks this vitamin is vitamin B12. Then consume corn will provide additional folate and V12 body needs to produce red blood cells,In addition to this, maize is also rich in iron which is the main producer of red blood cells.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Due to the danger of Negligent Eating Fruits and Vegetables

There adage that says health is reflected from what you eat. Poor diet will result in the emergence of various diseases. Conversely, a good diet will make the body fit and healthy. There is a parallel relationship between eating behavior patterns and health. In modernity rumble like today, everyone prefers instant food and ignore the plant foods.

"Madness" is an instant food actually delivered many negative impacts on the health of the body. This is due mostly instant foods contain preservatives, coloring, flavoring, high fat, high protein, sugar and salt, but low in fiber. A diet like this to trigger the onset of many degenerative diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, stroke, obesity, and cancer.

If you want to avoid a variety of diseases, should you familiarize healthy diet, by eating lots of fruits and vegetables as a source of vitamins, essential minerals and micro nutrients that are important for health. Fruits and vegetables are also able to detoxify the body from a variety of cancer-causing carcinogens.

Fruits and vegetables are also high in antioxidants. This antioxidant is able to transform body cells into protection against free radicals cause various diseases Actually, uncontrolled free radicals can cause cell damage. This is where antioxidants in fruits and vegetables take on the role. Antioxidants would prevent the development of free radicals in the body and improve the body's cells are damaged.

Someone who ignores or even anti eat fruits and vegetables will face big problems in his life. His body will be 'heaven' of various diseases. The following will describe some of the variant of the disease due to neglect diet rich in nutrients and protein, namely fruits and fresh vegetables.

Weak Physical Endurance

People who rarely eat fruits and vegetables reduced physical endurance. This is caused by the body of the 'poor' vitamin B complex, vitamin C, E, zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Stay fit and so physically fit, the person should diligently eating carrot juice, ginger, spinach, parsley, watercress, apples, oranges, lychees, kiwi and other fruit or vegetable.

Stress or Depression

Someone whose diets 'poor' fruits and vegetables will be susceptible to stress and depression. This is due to the body of the person is deficient in vitamin B complex, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium. To eliminate the seriousness of heart and mind murky, and life unbearable pressure should eat lots of melon, grapes, spinach, and other plant foods.


Someone who rarely eat fruits and vegetables will be prone to the flu. The cause is in the body of vitamin C deficiency, betakaroton, and zinc. People who contracted flu should treat his illness by eating citrus fruit, guava and guava, papaya and other plant foods.

 High blood pressure

High blood pressure, can be caused because of his 'poor' potassium, calcium and magnesium. People who have high blood pressure should be diligent eating grapes, pears, cherries, and other fruits.


People who rarely eat fruits and vegetables, the body will be malnourished in the form of folic acid and beta-carotene. To get rid of indigestion in the body recommended diligently eating carrots, turnips, celery, apples, cucumbers and other fruits.

Bleeding gums      
Bleeding gums may arise because the body lacks vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium. To cure bleeding gums, should be diligent eating apples, pears, spinach leaves, carrots, celery, parsley, and fruit-buahn others.

Eye Disorders

Disorders of the eye can be caused due to the body of malnutrition in the form of beta-carotene. Eye irritation, eye fatigue can be overcome primarily by eating lots of carrots, watercress, and other fruits.

Skin Wrinkles

Wrinkled skin can be caused by the body in the form of nutritional deficiency of vitamin B2, C, E, silicon, selenium, and potassium. To keep skin firm, should eat lots of carrots, pears, celery, parsley and other fresh fruits.


People whose bodies deficiency of niacin, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, and selenium will be easily affected by arthritis. In order to avoid the disease, should be diligent eating carrots, watercress, guava, pineapple, and lemon.


People who rarely eat fruit and vegetables body will easily suffer from osteoporosis, because the body is deficient in vitamin D and calcium. To prevent osteoporosis can be done by way of diligent eating carrots, apples, broccoli florets, parsley and other fresh fruits and vegetables.


Acne on the face can be caused because the body lacks vitamin B2, C, E, beta-carotene, potassium, and zinc. To expel acne can be done diligently eating carrots, turnips, ginger and other fruits and vegetables.

Skin Mist

People who rarely eat fruits and vegetables, the skin will be matted and dull. This is due to the body 'poor' nutrients such as vitamins B2, C, E, beta-carotene, and potassium. That person should diligently eating red grapes, strowbery, orange, guava and other fruits.


Constipation or constipation is a sign that digestion was disturbed. In order to avoid such disturbances should diligently consume soursop fruit, pineapple, papaya and other fruits.


If you do not want infected by cancer, should be diligent eating fruits and fresh vegetables, such as watermelon, ginger, and other plant foods.

Excess Blood Cholesterol

For your body to avoid illness cholesterol, should be diligent eating fruits and vegetables such as pineapple, carrot and cucumber.


For your body to avoid thrush, should diligently eating citrus fruits, melon, lemon and other fruits. Solution to 'expel' thrush is to make melon or orange juice. Can also make tea with fresh oranges.
And, there are many more types of diseases that can attack a person if reluctant or even anti-eat fruits and vegetables. Nutrients in fruits and vegetables is a 'need' is not an option that we can ignore, therefore, accustom yourself to eat fruits and vegetables and of course the presentation of the correct way so that the nutrient content in it is not damaged.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

the benefits of fruits and vegetables

Benefits of Fruits Fruits.

The benefits of fruits to maintain health and eliminate the disease course is very diverse,
 in addition could be to eliminate the share of illnesses, the fruit can also be a deterrent to share various diseases.
Several articles about the benefits of the fruit has indeed been much discussed, but the real benefits of this fruit can vary depending on the fruit and its kind,
 By eating the fruit then we will get the nutrients and can protect our health.
Here are some benefits of fruits we need to know before eating the fruit:
Fruit Benefits For Body
The benefits of fruits for our body so is many and varied
in general is one of the necessities for a healthy life and is one way of preventing the disease, and is one way to eliminate the disease naturally.
Vitamin Fruit: the nutrients contained in fruit that can maintain the health of our bodies from disease.
Water and Nutrition: is useful for the body and the nutritional needs that can increase the body's metabolism.
Antioxidant fruit: is one of the largest sources of natural antioxidants that exist in the world that can prevent certain diseases.
however there are some fruits that we must be cautious in taking it, This is because there are some fruits that contain fat and sugar overload.

The benefits of fruits to be consumed every day are many and varied, the fruit is one food that is healthy and become a part of the four healthy 5 perfect in the food cycle.
The fruit is so easily obtained, from low price to high price. Here are the benefits of other fruits you should know.
Preventing and treating cancer, the benefits of mangosteen one of which is to prevent and cure cancer.
There are still many other fruits that can be used to prevent and treat cancer.
Recovering stamina, fruit can also be used to restore stamina and improve durability.
Diet, fruit can also be used as a guide and for a natural diet.
So many benefits of fruits that are all around us,therefore, do not forget to consume the fruits of this every day in order to live a healthy life throughout the year.
Health benefits of fruit for the body's most important is to provide the essential nutrients needed by our body. By eating the fruit,
our bodies will increase the need for vitamins, fiber, and other minerals needed by the human body.
The fruit can also be an antioxidant that may keep our immune system.
Fruit for health benefits there are so many,The following are some of the benefits of the fruit is very good for the body,
and we summarize these benefits have become global benefits that are owned by various kinds of fruit in various parts of the world.
Here are the health benefits of fruit for our bodies.
    Eating fruit regularly can prevent heart disease.
    Eating fruit regularly can also prevent heart attacks and stroke damage.
    Consuming some types of fruit can also prevent cancer.
    The fruit can also be used as a natural diet that can prevent bad cholesterol that can   invade our bodies.
    The fruit also can prevent high blood pressure.
    The fruit also has antioxidants that can keep our immune system.
    The fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other important substances so as to keep in shape.
There are many more benefits of fruit for our health is no less important.
But keep in mind that not all fruit can be consumed freely, especially if you're suffering from the disease and is in a period of treatment.
In addition to the fruit a good idea to read the benefits of water, soursop benefits, the benefits of turmeric,
and the health benefits of fruit to keep you because you are a very valuable health benefits.

Health benefits of fruit for the human body consists of various kinds,
in addition to those mentioned above, the fruit still keeps a very wide range of benefits.
But not all the fruit can be consumed as they pleased us, there are times when you should avoid some types of fruit,
especially if you are experiencing a period of rehabilitation from disease or is entering a period of treatment.

 An example is if you are developing high blood pressure, should avoid eating durian.

Health benefits of fruit for which the most important is the human body into additional supplements that are essential to the function of organs - organs in humans.
by consuming fruits senangtiasa we will be healthy and get the body alive and healthy.