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Monday, January 4, 2016

Efficacy Guava To Health
 Guava is a fruit that comes from Brazil and spread through the State Thailand, the fruit is sometimes known by the name of guava stone or sometimes also called the cashew kelutuk. and has the Latin name Psidium Guajava. The fruit is already very familiar to the people of Indonesia, but not many people are aware bagitu Benefits of Guava fruit is, therefore, on this occasion I will try to share the benefits of Guava article to friends everything, which hopefully can be useful.
jambu biji

Guava Benefits And Benefits To Health

1. Guava will protect your body's cells from free radical damage. besides guava can also be used for skin    care because it contains antioxidants and vitamin C in it.

2. Guava will help you in the fight against cancer cells because of the high vitamin C in it.

3. Guava will improve brain function because of the content of B vitamins that are essential for blood circulation.

4. Guava can improve your fertility because it is rich in folic acid.

5. The juice of guava also has properties as a natural remedy because it can cure respiratory problems.

6. Finally, guava can also improve vision because the content of vitamin A in it.

7. The potassium content in the guava fruit can be used to reduce blood pressure and also controls the stability of your blood pressure.

8. Guava can lower cholesterol because it can thin the blood so that it will improve blood circulation.

9. Diabetes in children can be prevented by eating a guava fruit because it can help slow the absorption of sugar in raha.

10. Guava can be used to treat constipation because of the high fiber they contain.Good luck yes friends, hopefully what I gave this could be a benefit for all of you.