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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dragon Fruit benefits for health and beauty

White Dragon Fruit benefits for health and beauty

fruits dragon

The benefits of dragon fruit is already no doubt. If we look deeper, it turns out there is some kind of dragon fruit available, one of which is a white dragon fruit. White dragon fruit actually has the external appearance more or less the same as other types of dragon fruit. With a bright red color, a large scaly at the edges filled with shades of green. So why is referred to as the white dragon fruit? Dragon fruit is referred to as the white dragon fruit because it has white flesh.
The white dragon fruit dragon fruit is a native species that was first discovered in Mexico. White dragon fruit also contains Vitamin C is high enough so that it has a more sour taste of the dragon fruit in general.
Dragon Fruit Benefits
Some compounds contained in white dragon fruit is more or less the same as other types of dragon fruit like dragon fruit red, black and yellow. In the flesh are substances include protein, fiber, carbohydrates, Fe or iron, Vitamin B1, B2, beta-carotene, provitamin A, phosphorus, calcium, niacin and many others.With the content of some of the substances above, the following are some benefits and efficacy of dragon fruit that we can get.

Maintain the flexibility of blood vessels.
Reduce blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol.
Contributing minerals for the body.
Correcting the brightness of the eyes.
Prevent and treat anemia.
Inhibit cancer growth
Smoothing the skin, and many others.
How to consume the white dragon fruitAs already highlighted above that the white dragon fruit has a taste that is more acidic so it is perfect if blended into juice, fruit salad, or a milkshake. You need to consider when you make fruit juice or any use of dragon fruit should avoid the use of sugar is high in calories. Due to the presence of high-calorie sugars can block the performance of dragon fruit to lower blood levels. You can use low-calorie sugar or honey instead of sweet taste. But there are also some people who love the sweet and sour taste that can consume white dragon fruit directly.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Benefits of Vegetables Sawi
vegetables sawi

High vitamin content is great enough to support the health of the body. Vitamin highest in cabbage is vitamin K, which is very useful vitamin for blood clotting, so that the wound will quickly dry up.

For its vitamin C content, some experts say that the levels are almost the same as orange. This is great for keeping the immune system so it does not get sick.

High calcium content which is great for building and maintaining bone quality, which can inhibit bone loss or osteoporosis.

Benefits of cabbage that is equally important is to reduce levels of bad cholesterol causes of stroke or heart disease that is deadly. Besides it can to lower blood sugar causes diabetes.

Cabbage has a chemical component inhibiting cancer. From various studies, cabbage can reduce the risk of various cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer or bladder cancer.

Its food is quite high in fiber can help the digestive process in the stomach.

Cabbage another benefit is to prevent mumps. Cabbage has a chemical component that can prevent swelling / enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Cabbage including vegetable that has a pretty good iron, so it is suitable for patients with anemia due to iron content of hemoglobin mustard able to regenerate very well.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

the benefits fruits grape for health and beauty skin

Efficacy Grapes

fruits grapes

Efficacy Fruit Grapes, grapes are the fruit produced by the vines are usually grown in the lowlands. Unlike other plants, this plant actually requires a fairly long dry season and rainfall needed only 800 mm per year so that excessive watering will interfere with the process of conception. In grapes contains many polyphenolic compounds and resveratrol were active in the body's metabolism and is able to prevent the occurrence of cancer cells and other diseases. In addition, the grapes contain high antioxidant power works better than VITC and Vite. According to the study, a compound found in grapes is also capable of blood flow in the arteries so that this mechanism can reduce the risk of heart attack. Efficacy of grapes also can remove free radicals because antioxidants contained in it, but it can also make the young because grape seed oil can remove wrinkles on the face so in addition to the health properties of grapes is also for beauty.Efficacy of grapes for health and beauty:

Efficacy of grapes for the heart:

 A compound in grapes is capable of blood flow and other anti-oxidants can remove LDL cholesterol which can narrow blood vessels.

 Efficacy of grapes for renal impairment:

 The content contained in these grapes can help reduce acid in the kidney, so the risk of disorders of the kidneys can be reduced.

  Efficacy of grapes can treat migraine: 
By drinking grape juice will feel usefulness in treating headache or migraine often called.

 Efficacy of grapes for digestion:

 The grapes also can treat indigestion, so if you experience are suggested to consume grapes.

  Efficacy of grapes for breast cancer:

 According to research, grape juice purple can reduce tumor masses found in the breast significantly so that the grape juice is good for treating breast cancer.

 Efficacy of grapes for Alzheimer's disease:

 The grapes turned out to contain resveratrol is a polyphenol that is capable of reducing amyloidal beta peptides in Alzheimer's sufferers.

   Efficacy of grapes can treat constipation: 

The grapes can be overcome constipation or difficult bowel movements because it contains organic acids, sugars and cellulose.

 Efficacy of grapes for asthma:

It is because wine has assimilatory force that is able to increase the water content in the lungs so that it can reduce the shortness of breath.

 Efficacy as an anti-bacterial grapes

The grapes are able to protect the body from infection because it contains antibacterial and anti-viral strong.

 Efficacy grapes to overcome fatigue: 

When balanced with adequate rest grape juice can overcome fatigue due to iron content in it.
Efficacy of these grapes is not only to health alone but also for beauty

the benefits fruits grape for skin beauty

 Grape seed oil can to remove wrinkles on the face because this grape seed oil contains anti-oxidants and essential acids that make your skin youthful. It also can whiten teeth and beautify nails by mixing 10 red grapes in the mix with 2 tablespoons granulated sugar and then input into a food processor and use the mixture to massage your nails, then wipe with a damp towel.
Efficacy Fruit Grapes, That little we explain about the grapes and usefulness. It turns out these grapes in addition to taste good grapes also has amazing properties and benefits for your health and beauty. Therefore, start the consumption of grapes from now and you will feel yourself the benefits and efficacy of the grapes for your own health. Thus the articles on this grape can you open also about the efficacy of apple for health, hopefully this article helps.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

strawberry fruit benefits and dangers for the body
fruits strawberry

 Strawberry is the fruit of a herbaceous plant which have an average of 200 seeds per one small fruit. There are 700 kinds of strawberry. One of the species named Fragaria L. chiloensis this type spread to many countries of America, Europe and Asia. Other species that is F. vesca L. This one is more widespread than other species. These same types of strawberry was first entered Indonesia. The red color in the ripe strawberry is reasonable. The red color is caused because the fruit is rich in anthocyanin pigment color and high in antioxidants. Hearing the word antioxidant, you already know that it means so much usefulness. And you are right! Strawberries save exceptional nutrition. In addition to these antioxidants, it is also rich in fiber, low in calories, and contains vitamin C, folate, potassium, and ellagic acid.Want to know the properties of strawberry?1. Strawberry able to shrink cholesterol levels.2. Strawberry can help immobilize the active work of cancer because it contains the ellagic acid.3. Strawberry can reduce the symptoms of a stroke.4. Strawberry contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory.5. The concentration of seven antioxidants that exist in strawberry higher than other fruits or vegetables, so that the strawberry is a fruit that is effective in preventing the oxidation process in the body (Oxidation is the destruction of body tissues by free radicals. Oxidation is also responsible for the aging process).6. Strawberry rich in vitamin C is very beneficial for the growth of children.7. Strawberry that contains little sugar is also suitable for the diet for people with diabetes.8. Strawberry eaten regularly can smooth the skin and make the skin color look brighter and cleaner. Other notable properties that are anti-wrinkle!9. Strawberry can whiten or clean the tooth surface.10. Strawberry effective against gout and arthritis.11. strawberry leaves is also beneficial because it has astringent substances. Three to four cups of water decoction of leaves of strawberry per day, can effectively stop the attacks of diarrhea.12. The need for vitamin C an adult per day can be satisfied by 8 strawberries (98 mg). Also at the same fiber needs can be met.Efficacy-side properties are still abundant in the fruit. For health, the most nice strawberry eaten fresh, either whole or created juice. Usefulness if already made jam or part of processed foods, will be greatly reduced. Therefore, try to consume fresh strawberry.
strawberry fruit benefits and dangers for the body

VIVAnews - Strawberries are a tempting fruit. Serve any dish, can still attract the attention of your taste. But, you know, that strawberries were quite dangerous if consumed by a number of you who have health problems? Such as, allergies, gastritis, gastroduodenitis and other stomach disorders.Strawberries can be harmful could be consumed by people:Stomach upsetFresh fruit can cause people who suffer from disorders of the stomach can cause serious mucosal irritation. Dangerous is the strawberry seeds that covers the entire surface of the fruit. Although it looks attractive seeds are able to cause disturbances in your gastrointestinal tract.Rheumatic aches (gout) and HypertensionThere is also a belief that the strawberries are not acceptable body stiff alias gout sufferers. While for those who suffer from hypertension also abstain from consuming this red fruit. The medics had been advocated to be careful eating strawberries, because there are nasty substances in strawberry seeds that can reduce kidney function.AllergyStrawberries are just forbidden for people who are highly allergic, because the pore structure of the berry can cause allergies is very strong.Why Strawberry Dangerous?For those of you who do not have health complaints above, you should also need to be careful when eating this fruit. From the outside, this fruit looks pretty clean, but at the same time may contain harmful parasites. At the time of the strawberry farmers adding organic fertilizer that is where the breeding of parasites.You can not get rid of the parasite simply by rinsing the fruit with water. All you have to do to eliminate dangerous parasites it is with special process, namely by ozonizer. Strawberries with ozone treatment no harm because of the good qualities of strawberries can still be obtained. With this system of health hazards can be minimized.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

benefits Durian Fruit for health and risks

benefits Durian Fruit for health and risks
fruits durian

Durian fruit can be good for digestion, so that the fruit can overcome constipation that one feels. High fiber content in the fruit flesh fruit durian is the reason this is important is eaten by suffering from digestive problems.
Overcoming anemia. The content of folic acid and vitamin B9 in fleshy fruit durian fruit make this a bad smell good to be a producer of red blood cells, so the blood shortage can be overcome.
Good for skin health. The content of vitamin C in fruit durian make thorn-skinned fruit is great in preventing aging and wrinkling of the skin. Vitamins in durian act as good anti-oxidants that keep skin cell damage.
Durian beneficial for bones and joints. Potassium and calcium in the durian is very beneficial for maintaining bone health, including the health of joints such as knees, knuckles etc.
Benefits durian to regulate the stability of blood. Durian can stabilize blood, this because in this fruit contains manganese. Nevertheless, it remains a good tidka if consumed in large quantities.
Copper content in the fruit durian good at maintaining the health of the thyroid.
Because a lot of the content of vitamin B1, the durian fruit is also useful to keep the appetite
Iboflavin compound or Vitamin B2 in durian make delicious fruit is beneficial to prevent migraine.
Durian fruit is also useful to relieve stress and depression, is not because the durian fruit contains vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
Porfor the durian is very beneficial for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth
The dangers of consuming fruit DurianAfter we discuss the durian benefits for health, we present the lyrics of any danger to the health durian fruit.
Perhaps you have heard that the durian has a health hazard, especially associated with pregnant women, because of the effect of heat on durian that can result in miscarriage in the fetus. Though there has been no clear medical evidence. Besides harmful to the health of the fetus, there are a number of other dangers durian when consumed by anyone, namely:

Durian fruit can increase blood sugar even to diabetes, if consumed in large quantities and is too often the high glucose content in durian will be the cause of diabetes
In addition, Durian is also harmful to digestion when taken with alcohol. In addition, the alcohol content and cholesterol in the durian can mebahayakan heart health.
Durian worst danger is when taken with alcohol, because the sulfur content in durian will inhibit the metabolism of alcohol and this can lead to death. So, be careful against this fruit, delicious and sweet addition there are also a number of toxins in it.

Friday, January 22, 2016

banana benefits for healt

Benefits banana

Friend of all, health tips. Such as a variety of other fruits, bananas also has properties or benefits when consumed. Many of us who believe that this fruit has various benefits hidden in it. That is why, in order to clarify the efficacy of bananas, health tips will reveal various properties of the fruit of this one. The following properties of bananas that never have guessed:

Losing weight naturally. For those of you who have problems with weight, then regularly consume this fruit can help you lose weight you have. This is because, this fruit contains a relatively small amount of calories.
Balance the amount of fluid in the body. The body needs sufficient amount of fluid to support all of the performance of the organs in the body. Therefore, the content of potassium in bananas is very important to help balance the amount of fluid in the body.
Susceptible to diseases such as flu, cough and others ... ???. Start eating a banana. The content of vitamin C in the fruit helps boost the immune system you have.
Want healthy bones ... ???. Eating bananas regularly may help nourish your bones. This is because, this fruit is a fruit that contains manganese which is quite high.
Increase the energy needed by the body in an instant. Currently increased daily activity, eat a banana. It is intended that the body does not quickly exhausted or tired in the density of activity or your work.
Facilitate the digestive system in your body. Regularly consume this fruit can help your digestive system performance better. So that various nutrients from the food you eat can be absorbed and used by the body optimally well.
As a natural constipation medicine. Bananas can also help facilitate defecation you. That is why, eat bananas to avoid hardening of the stool as an early symptom of constipation.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Various Benefits Mango
fruits mango
 1. Mango Fruit for Health Benefits
Can be used as a preventive measure Cancer.
Capable of lowering cholesterol levels are not good for our bodies
Gave the help of good nutrition and healthy to the eyes
Can protect your digestion because it has a lot of fiber that will help facilitate digestion.
Can keep the body so it is always in kedadaan fit and increased durability of our immune from attack    various diseases evil, Mango fruit is also very good and beneficial for pregnant women, especially mangoes is no stranger to frequently sought by women who are craving
Can help increase insulin levels.
Glikemk contain levels are low, so that when diabetics eating mangoes will not harm.
By drinking mango juice will make our body becomes fresh and reduce the fatigue of the body.
able to reduce the heat in the body
Can be used as a disinfectant for the body.
Can help cleanse the blood
remove capable excessive body odor on the body
Can help stabilize the heart rate
Activate contraction of the muscles
Help radah pressure on the body
Can also be used to maintain the health of the mouth and throat
Treat influenza disease
Bleeding gums
Inflammation of the throat
Treat and reduce the impact due to intestinal worms
Mengoabati menstrual disorders
and even many more properties for health.
2. Benefits of Mango for beauty

Able to assist in the treatment of skin diseases such as ulcers, ulcers etc.
Can help prevent premature aging because of the mango fruit contains anti-oxidants that can help prevent any future signs of aging such as wrinkles etc. so that the face remains ageless.
Re able to help brighten the skin that have been burned by the sun
Can be used as a natural fruit masks to keep sensitive skin
Help make skin look more radiant and fresh
Treating blackheads stacked body
Can be consumed during the diet because it can help in your diet program
Capable of accelerating infections especially those caused by acne
Can help speed pengengkatan dead skin cells or assist the regeneration of the skin
Keeping the skin to stay awake elasticity
Helps soften the skinEfficacy Mango Health and Beauty for very much at all. Therefore frequently - often to consume mangoes. But Jhonny allowed to eat a lot but in moderation. Because all things that are redundant definitely not good for the body.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Benefits of Soursop
fruits soursop
 Efficacious As Medicinal PlantsSoursop is used as fresh fruit or beverage ingredient and as small groceries. Soursop fruit can also be eaten fresh as a dessert can also be mixed with ice cream, milk, or serve delicious drinks, such as in Indonesia, Cuba, and parts of America. However, the fruit is more often eaten in the form of puree after the flesh squeezed and filtered. The fruit can also be used as a fruit jam, fruit juice (after mixed with sugar), or syrup. In Indonesia, soursop can be processed into dodol by heating the fruit in water and sweetened with sugar until the mixture thickens. In the Philippines, young soursop fruit and its seeds are still hard can be made cakes were delicious flavor and aroma.
Indian tribes in South America for centuries have used various parts of the soursop tree, including leaves, bark, roots, fruits and seeds as a cure for heart disease, asthma, liver disorders, and arthritis. Along with the development of technology, content and efficacy of soursop plants began to unfold. Various studies show that the soursop plant contains many medicinal properties. Soursop plant parts, ranging from leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark and roots up can be used as a drug.
Soursop leaf is part of the soursop plants most often used as a medicine. Since the beginning, the people in Kalimantan is often used to treat fever. In Madagascar, the soursop leaves are used to treat liver disease. In recent years, soursop leaf extract more and more used to inhibit the growth of cancer. Soursop leaf is neutral so appropriate to treat various types of cancer. Soursop leaves is not only consumed by the patients, but also for healthy people as believed to increase immunity.
Ultra mangosteen is a blend of the soursop leaves and bark of the mangosteen that are processed in a modern and hygienic so that the content of bioactive maintained. Additionally Ultra Mangosteen manufactured using natural ingredients without chemicals and preservatives. [MS]

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Watermelon Fruit Benefits for Beauty and Health
water melon fruits
Benefits of watermelon useful for beauty treatments. These include the following:1. Watermelon anti-agingNutrition in watermelon, such as lycopene, vitamin A and C, menagkal free radicals that attack the skin. Exposure to direct sunlight on the skin, causing fine lines. Antioxidants in watermelon helps heap of free radicals in the body. Eat watermelon regularly, to prevent the signs of premature aging of your beautiful skin.2. Keeping the skin moistIf your skin is dry skin types, watermelon fruit intake can be the best, because of the abundant water content in the fruit. Besides giving skin moisture, eating watermelon also keep the body avoid dehydration. The content of such a deal on plants that contain a lot of water as the benefits of cucumber.3. Reducing sebum (oil) on the faceSkin pores are large oil glands bersekresi can trigger excess. Watermelon with its content of Vitamin A, onshore oil on the face to minimize problems.4. Rejuvenate skinWatermelon mask can rejuvenate dull skin. Very good for the regeneration of skin cells that die.Benefits of Watermelon for HealthFor health, consume watermelon also contributes to the maintenance of health. Some of them are as follows:5. Maintaining kidney healthpotassium contained in the benefits of watermelon this, clean the toxic substances in the kidneys, thus helping the kidneys. Watermelon also reduces uric acid levels which reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.6. Prevention thrushCanker sores caused from bacteria that breed well in the oral cavity dry. Eating watermelon provide water consumption and vitamins can reduce the proliferation bekteri in the mouth. To prevent eating watermelon can be juxtaposed with the benefits of vitamin C as oranges, lemons benefits and benefits of guava.7. Reduce the risk of hypertension and strokeAt watermelons are carotenoids that prevent hardening of the arteries and veins, which can cause hypertension. Watermelon potassium content also contribute to lower blood pressure Daran. Of course, these benefits can be felt when eating watermelon regularly. Potassium is also good for the heart so that it will avoid heart disease.8. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidantsponsored linksWatermelon is rich in phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and triterpenoids. Carotenoids in watermelon is very beneficial in reducing inflammation and neutralize free radicals. Triterpenoids also present in watermelon, which provides support anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme that normally causes increased inflammation. Be sure to choose a ripe watermelon, because it contains a number of phenolic compounds is higher.9. Muscle painWatermelon has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time after exercise in athletes. Researchers believe this may be done for the amino acid L-citrulline contained in watermelon.10. powerful natural medicineWatermelon consumption in men may reduce and treat impotence. This study is spoken by Dr. Bhimu Patil, director of Texas A & M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center in College Station, as reported by ScienceDaily. Of course watermelon does not cause side effects such as happened in people taking powerful drugs.Diet menu with Watermelon FruitWatermelon is usually consumed as a fruit dessert. But of course, watermelon as a dessert does not meet the daily nutritional needs. Here are some easy diet watermelon try:

Cut watermelon cubes and mix in a few ice cubes in a blender for a cool refreshing. Watermelon juice is perfect for rehydrating after exercise or when it was day, in the sun
Menu salad can be boring sometimes, but by adding a watermelon, mint and fresh mozzarella on a bed of spinach leaves. Can be a menu option sa; ad that is easily madeAlthough eating fruits is a good thing, but diet diet or overall pattern of eating is the most important in the prevention of disease and achieve good health. It is better to consume a variety of foods rather than concentrating on specific foods, as the key to maintaining good physical health.

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Tomato Eating for health benefits
fruits tomato

Health benefits of tomatoes Tomatoes can be regarded as a kind of fruit,but the most common is its use as a vegetable. Sour taste is often considered to add to the delights of many types of cuisine.

As a fruit, ripe tomatoes are also delicious eaten raw; and there is an interesting,namely tomatoes tasty enough to make a fruit drink or juice. So what health benefits of tomatoes, including the views of the nutritional content?Tomatoes are known to contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene in large amounts, a substance that makes the red color on the fruit.

Not only that, the tomatoes have also been shown to contain a compound called alpha lipoic acid, which is beneficial to help control glucose in the blood, increasing vasodilation and protect against retinopathy in patients with diabetes, could even help the preservation of the brain and nervous tissue !. Nutritional compounds that are also found in tomatoes including choline, an essential nutrient that helps sleep, muscle motor function, learning and memory function. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cell membranes, helps the transmission of nerve impulses, helps the absorption of fat, and reduce chronic inflammation. 

Some benefits of eating tomatoes for healthConsume all kinds of fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes are beneficial to health.They include reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.Fruits and vegetables are also associated with skin and hair health, increase energy, and a healthy weight.Overall, increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables significantly reduces the risk of obesity and even premature death. 
Here are some of the important benefits of eating tomatoes for us:Lowers the risk of cancer:
Because tomatoes contain a variety of powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene,then often eat tomatoes can help prevent the formation of free radicals that have been known to cause cancer, including the most common types namely prostate cancer and colorectal cancer (colon cancer).
Lycopene in tomatoes linked to lower prostate cancer risk, while high beta-carotene in tomatoes is associated with the prevention of colorectal cancer.According to the American Cancer Society,some studies have shown that people with a diet rich in tomatoes may have a lower risk of certain types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer.
Further research is still needed based human to know what exactly the role of lycopene in the prevention or treatment of cancer. 
Normalize blood pressure:
Reducing sodium intake is very important for lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension,but also increase potassium intake may be as important as the effect vasodilatasinya. According to the literature,high potassium intake was associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes by 20%. In this case tomatoes are also high in potassium.Healthy heart:Fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and, choline is a compound found in a number of quite well in tomatoes,and everything needed to support heart health.Increased intake of potassium, along with lowering sodium intake is dietary changes are the most important to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.Ttinggi potassium intake is also associated with a decreased risk of stroke, prevent the loss of muscle mass, maintain bone mineral density,and reduce the formation of kidney stones. 
The benefits for diabetes:Research has shown that people with diabetes with a diet high in fiber has low blood glucose levels,and in type 2 diabetes may get benefits for blood sugar, lipid and insulin levels.A cup of tomato provides about 2 grams of fiber. 
Rejuvenates Skin :The existence of collagen (a substance that supports the skin), its existence is dependent on vitamin C.This is because vitamin C is an essential nutrient that works in the body as antioxidants,Useful to prevent skin damage caused by sun, pollution, wrinkles, and overall improve skin texture. 
Prevent constipation :Constipation is a condition that is so painful, and if it happens often could even increase the risk of colon cancer.
Eating foods that are high in water and fiber as well as tomatoes could help to hydrated and smooth bowel movements.Fiber is very important to minimize the incidence of constipation and faecal without removing the entire remaining. 
Benefits for pregnancy:Tomatoes contain folate, which called folate nutrition is so especially for pregnant women.It is useful to protect the fetus from the risk of neural tube defects. 
Prevent depression:Besides important for the fetus, folic acid in tomatoes can also help relieve depression by preventing the formation of excess homocysteine ​​in the body. Excess hormones can inhibit the blood and nutrients to reach the brain. Excess homocysteine ​​will also disrupt the production of hormones happy that serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulate mood, sleep and appetite as well. 
Attention :Tomatoes are among the fruit that receive most insecticides, so if less well clean it could be bad if consumed in the long term. For people suffering from gastritis or gastric disorders, it is advisable to avoid tomatoes because the acid can aggravate symptoms. People with abnormal kidney function, and people taking a beta blocker medicine (common prescription drugs for heart disease), should not be excessive potassium - ask your doctor. But for healthy people, routine mengkonsusi various fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes will bring many benefits to much better health.