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Monday, March 14, 2016

This is the miracle of the Qur'an About Grapes

This is the miracle of the Qur'an About Grapes

grape fruits

'' He grow for you with rain water plants; olives, dates, grapes and all kinds of fruits. Verily in this is truly there are signs (power of God) for people who reflect. '' (Surah An-Nahl: verse 11)
A variety of fresh fruits created the Creator to humanity. Among the many fruits, one mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an dalah wine. Fruit that tastes delicious, it is stated in the Qur'an 14 times.
"This shows that no matter how many favors which God gives us and provide for his servants, either while still in the world and one day later in the eternal life, which is a haven for those who do right," said Hisham Tahlbah in his work entitled Al-I'jaz Al Ilmi fi al-Qur'an wa sunnah (Encyclopedia miracle of the Qur'an and Hadith).

Wine is one of the plants known to mankind for a long time. According Thlbah, wine has been known since the time of Prophet Nuh. Plants that are sweet and delicious fruit that grows creeping upwards, in the opposite direction with the tip of the bud, and the direction of the cantilever wine.
"Wine has also been known by ancient people as a nutritious crop height and has the benefit of very much. In conclusion, wine is one of the most useful pieces," said Tahlbah.
Grapes, very good to eat, either when still fresh or already dry. The wine is a fruit that is easy to digest, can fatten, and can supply enough nutrition. Green and red wine have similar efficacy, both can be used to be fruit, food, beverages, as well as medicine.
The same thing was told by Ibn Qayyim. According to him, the wine is a fruit that has many benefits. "Wine is one of the many pieces of fruit, one of the many nutritious meals nutritious meals, one of the many medicinal drugs, drink or one of the many drinks," said Ibn Qayyim.
As a remedy, the wine has a very high nutritional content. Tahlbah revealed, the wine is believed to treat coughs, purifies the blood, colon cleansing, digestion, even beneficial for those who are affected by diseases of the stomach. Not only that, the wine can also be used for anyone who Henda diet (a set pattern of food).
Thalbah explained in the books of respiratory medicine, wine also has merit as a drug for the treatment of respiratory support. To support such treatment, the wine is processed into drinks such as grape juice. "Juice of wine are also efficacious lowering body heat, stop coughing, and stomach feel comfortable," said Tahlbah.
Grape juice, according to him, can help the healing of disease hemaroid (piles), indigestion, kidney stones and gall bladder disorders. To that end, the investigators advise to drink a glass of grape juice, before breakfast and before dinner.
Even drinking a glass of wine before bed can also help you to sleep soundly without disturbing insomnia. The grape juice is also good for people who are intoxication, fatigue or convalescing or developing kidney stones (urinary stones).
According to the researchers, the grape juice must be drunk immediately after preparation, because if ignored for too long will turn into a heady wine. "From the fruit of dates and grapes, you make a strong drink and good provision. Indeed, in this is truly there are signs (of Allah) for people who understand," (Surat al-Nahl (16) paragraph 67).
Wine can also be used as a liquid moisturizer for the skin of the face and cosmetic ingredients. Abu Muhammad Abdallah Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Beitar Dhiya al-Din al-Malaqi or familiarly called Ibn al-Beitar (1197 AD - 1248 AD) said that a good wine is the wine that are large, thin-skinned, with seed sparse, and colored somewhat reddish. According to a fruit wine is the most popular.
"He is also quite the most well compared to other fruits, because they contain a lot of fat. It can fatten a skinny person, cleanse the blood, and facilitate the digestive tract. Wine is also helpful to increase libido, restore the sick, and strengthen the heart," explains Ibn Baithar, botanist prominent Muslim in the golden era of Islam in Andalusia.
The young wine or wine is fresh, further Tahlbah, has the benefit can compress blood continues to flow out (bleeding), strengthens the stomach, improving digestive tract, colon and solve problems.
"From some research we concluded that wine is a fruit that has many benefits. The wine is very effective in building, repairing, and strengthening the body's cells. It can also treat a number of diseases. In addition to treating wine also serves to protect the humans from the disease," Tahlbah said.
This fact shows how the fruits mentioned in the Koran Creator has efficacy and exceptional usability. This is another proof of miracles verses of the holy Koran.

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