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Friday, March 18, 2016

Side Effects Dangers of Eating Fruits Durian Can Be Deadly

Side Effects Dangers of Eating Fruits Durian Can Be Deadly


Durian is a fruit that is delicious, but they have strong odors. People who do not like durian can be caused by a pungent smell. Durian meat is very tender suited to be combined with a food or beverage. But who would have thought behind a delicacy, the durian can be very harmful for health. For certain people, durian is not recommended for consumption.Before turning to deadly side effects durian, we should know the content of what is on the durian.Durian fruit is nutritious, vitamins are a lot of very beneficial for the body. But what if a maniac durian durian eating more than two pieces. Of course it would have deadly side effects. There are at least five per cent a year deaths caused by durian, sound trivial indeed. But that's reality. Behind delicacy durian save its deadly effects. Unfortunately, not all people know the dangers and side effects of durian.

 1. Fruits Durian Cause High CholesterolDangers and side effects of the first durian fruit is a cause of high cholesterol. Durian contains extremely high cholesterol. For people who previously had a history of cholesterol should not consume excessive durian. Eating durian excess can provoke cholesterol levels rise. If you want to eat durian, eat at most of the pieces only. If high cholesterol would provoke all becomes high as high uric acid. With high cholesterol and uric acid can provoke the occurrence of complications. This is a very fatal complications to one's health.
 2. Durian Side Effects Exposed Causes DiabetesdurianOrang danger of side effects that have a family history of diabetes or diabetes should not eat durian fruit of more than two pieces. High glucose content in durian can be spurring an increase in blood sugar levels, so that the greater the risk of developing diabetes.People with diabetes should not take more than five seed durian. Glucose content in durian can raise blood sugar levels of diabetics faster than glucose in sugar.It would be very dangerous when diabetics consume excessive durian, in addition to raising blood sugar can also cause death from high blood sugar.We recommend that if you already feel your blood sugar is high, you should immediately avoid durian or just eat a little.
 3. Fruits Durian Cause of Death FetusThe fetus in the womb is not able to withstand excessive heat. If pregnant women eat durian, the effect on the stomach will be hot. Excessive heat will lead to fetal death. The burning sensation due to the high alcohol content. High alcohol levels are also found in jackfruit, pineapple and tape. Create pregnant women should minimize the consumption of all the fruit.
 4. Side Effects of Durian Causes Heart DiseaseHeart disease can be caused by excessive consumption of durian. Cases of people dying because it is already a history of heart disease in him. Heart disease aggravated by excessive durian consumption. Cause someone had a heart attack and resulting death is likely to rapid heartbeats. Alcohol and high cholesterol content in the fruit durian heart rate racing heart patients faster. 
5. Durian Cause of Death in Patients with Hypertension (MANDATORY REMEMBER)sponsored linksPeople affected by hypertension usually have complications with heart disease. The alcohol content is in the durian fruit is able to raise the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Blood pressure rises would trigger a faster heart rate and heart disease suddenly. Blood pressure monitor someone who often is above the pressure of 200 would make him susceptible to heart disease. If the blood pressure and heart attack simultaneously, the effect could happen to her death.People with hypertension should not consume too much durian if you do not want to have complications. Durian is the cause of high blood meal quickly rose up deadly.
 6. Causing Death When Mixed With Alcoholic BeveragesThe alcohol content is in durian will cause death if he met with the alcohol in liquor. Alcohol is met by alcohol will produce sulfur or sulfur. Sulfur that goes into a person's body will decrease metabolism and immune system of a person, even if the amount of sulfur into the body very much will cause death. Sulfur is one of the substances that should not be to get into the human body because the cause of death. 
7. Digestive Problems To DeathDurian consumption should not be accompanied by drinks such as coffee and alcohol. Coffee is a beverage trigger high blood pressure. Too often mix durian and coffee will make a person exposed to the disease complications. Durian also should not be mixed with soda because if it is often done to make a person affected by digestive disorders. Digestive problems in the long run will make the intestines and stomach hurt even perforated. Perforated intestine and stomach that can lead to death. 
8. Fruits Durian Until Death Causes of Kidney DiseaseDurian there is a substance in the ethanol, methanol and ethyl metacrylate and compounds such as sulfur or sulfur. Danger of ethanol and methanol have also been very concerned for the health. For kidney patients, all of these substances is not good for the kidneys because the kidneys are already sick can not decipher all the substance. As a result, the performance of overburdened kidney and renal performance declined from 40 percent to 35 percent. These substances also cause a person affected by kidney disease. If the kidneys are not a lot of function required a kidney transplant. Otherwise, blood transfusions are done only for pemperpanjang she was not healed. 
9. Danger Durian Fruit Blood vessel narrowingCompounds in the form of alcohol in durian can cause constriction of blood vessels in the brain. Narrowing of blood vessels made of oxygen to the brain can not be channeled to the maximum, resulting in a stroke. If you've entered a severe stroke, the recovery rate is getting smaller. Constriction of blood vessels is not just a side effect of durian, the hazards of formaldehyde and borax also can result in danger of the same thing.Durian Fruit Consumption TipsDo not be afraid to consume durian. For those of you who are healthy and not excessively consume durian will not affect anything. In addition there are several ways that can prevent you from side effects durian, do the following:

Drinking Water as much after eating durian, do not drink the water that is colored.
Make use of cavity on durian skin peeling. Fill the cavity of the existing use of water. Allow a few moments, then drink the water. This is useful to remove the smell of durian in the mouth and also can control a person's blood pressure. If this is not done, many who complained of dizziness after eating durian even a little portion.
The consumption of mangosteen after eating durian. Vitamin content in mangosteen can neutralize the effects of durian.
Do not consume excessively.
Netlarisir using vegetable
No consumption of high fat meat after eat durian.Given the side effects durian fruit is very dangerous, you should not consume durian if you have a complaint the following diseases:Diseases That Must Avoid Durian

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
Heart disease
Uric acid
High cholesterol
Pregnancy (do lots lots)Danger durian fruit tablets can sometimes be deadly, especially for the high blood pressure.

Monday, March 14, 2016

This is the miracle of the Qur'an About Grapes

This is the miracle of the Qur'an About Grapes

grape fruits

'' He grow for you with rain water plants; olives, dates, grapes and all kinds of fruits. Verily in this is truly there are signs (power of God) for people who reflect. '' (Surah An-Nahl: verse 11)
A variety of fresh fruits created the Creator to humanity. Among the many fruits, one mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an dalah wine. Fruit that tastes delicious, it is stated in the Qur'an 14 times.
"This shows that no matter how many favors which God gives us and provide for his servants, either while still in the world and one day later in the eternal life, which is a haven for those who do right," said Hisham Tahlbah in his work entitled Al-I'jaz Al Ilmi fi al-Qur'an wa sunnah (Encyclopedia miracle of the Qur'an and Hadith).

Wine is one of the plants known to mankind for a long time. According Thlbah, wine has been known since the time of Prophet Nuh. Plants that are sweet and delicious fruit that grows creeping upwards, in the opposite direction with the tip of the bud, and the direction of the cantilever wine.
"Wine has also been known by ancient people as a nutritious crop height and has the benefit of very much. In conclusion, wine is one of the most useful pieces," said Tahlbah.
Grapes, very good to eat, either when still fresh or already dry. The wine is a fruit that is easy to digest, can fatten, and can supply enough nutrition. Green and red wine have similar efficacy, both can be used to be fruit, food, beverages, as well as medicine.
The same thing was told by Ibn Qayyim. According to him, the wine is a fruit that has many benefits. "Wine is one of the many pieces of fruit, one of the many nutritious meals nutritious meals, one of the many medicinal drugs, drink or one of the many drinks," said Ibn Qayyim.
As a remedy, the wine has a very high nutritional content. Tahlbah revealed, the wine is believed to treat coughs, purifies the blood, colon cleansing, digestion, even beneficial for those who are affected by diseases of the stomach. Not only that, the wine can also be used for anyone who Henda diet (a set pattern of food).
Thalbah explained in the books of respiratory medicine, wine also has merit as a drug for the treatment of respiratory support. To support such treatment, the wine is processed into drinks such as grape juice. "Juice of wine are also efficacious lowering body heat, stop coughing, and stomach feel comfortable," said Tahlbah.
Grape juice, according to him, can help the healing of disease hemaroid (piles), indigestion, kidney stones and gall bladder disorders. To that end, the investigators advise to drink a glass of grape juice, before breakfast and before dinner.
Even drinking a glass of wine before bed can also help you to sleep soundly without disturbing insomnia. The grape juice is also good for people who are intoxication, fatigue or convalescing or developing kidney stones (urinary stones).
According to the researchers, the grape juice must be drunk immediately after preparation, because if ignored for too long will turn into a heady wine. "From the fruit of dates and grapes, you make a strong drink and good provision. Indeed, in this is truly there are signs (of Allah) for people who understand," (Surat al-Nahl (16) paragraph 67).
Wine can also be used as a liquid moisturizer for the skin of the face and cosmetic ingredients. Abu Muhammad Abdallah Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Beitar Dhiya al-Din al-Malaqi or familiarly called Ibn al-Beitar (1197 AD - 1248 AD) said that a good wine is the wine that are large, thin-skinned, with seed sparse, and colored somewhat reddish. According to a fruit wine is the most popular.
"He is also quite the most well compared to other fruits, because they contain a lot of fat. It can fatten a skinny person, cleanse the blood, and facilitate the digestive tract. Wine is also helpful to increase libido, restore the sick, and strengthen the heart," explains Ibn Baithar, botanist prominent Muslim in the golden era of Islam in Andalusia.
The young wine or wine is fresh, further Tahlbah, has the benefit can compress blood continues to flow out (bleeding), strengthens the stomach, improving digestive tract, colon and solve problems.
"From some research we concluded that wine is a fruit that has many benefits. The wine is very effective in building, repairing, and strengthening the body's cells. It can also treat a number of diseases. In addition to treating wine also serves to protect the humans from the disease," Tahlbah said.
This fact shows how the fruits mentioned in the Koran Creator has efficacy and exceptional usability. This is another proof of miracles verses of the holy Koran.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Powerful Health Benefits of Tomatoes For Your Body

Powerful Health Benefits of Tomatoes For Your Body


     Tomatoes are one of the fruits that are identical to a bright red color. All people are not necessarily familiar with the red fruit of this one. Tomato fruit can be eaten directly or added to the entire family's favorite dishes. Because the tomato is one type of fruit, it is not surprising that the fruit contains a variety of nutrients that are needed by your body. You may never know it, tomatoes have such tremendous benefits for the body. So, what tremendous benefits of tomatoes for the body's health .... ???

Friend, health tips. Tomatoes are one of the fruits that are relatively cheap in terms of price in the market. So no wonder, tomatoes are always in your refrigerator or kitchen. Even so, a lot of the content of nutrients in the bright red fruit. Based on the facts, this fruit is a good source of vitamins A, C, K, potassium, folate, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and low in sodium, saturated fat, calories and cholesterol. This is what makes tomatoes become one of the fruits must be consumed daily. Based on a variety of nutritional content, health tips will explore the various health benefits of tomatoes your body.
Here are 7 powerful benefits of tomatoes for your health:

Launched and Healthy Digestive System. One of the advantages of tomato that is a source of fiber that is needed by your body. Thus, for anyone who wants to stay healthy digestive system and smooth, begin by consuming red fruit.

Protect your skin and body skin. This is because, tomatoes are a source of lycopene. Lycopene in tomatoes serves to prevent tissue kerusakanan skin caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Strengthen Bones On Body. This is because, the fruit is a source of vitamin K, which is able to prevent bone mengeroposnya or better known as osteoporosis.

More Effective Cancer Prevention. For those of you who want to avoid the various types of cancers such as prostate, mouth, throat, stomach, colon, and ovarian cancer, start to consume tomatoes regularly tersebut.Karena lycopene in tomatoes is very effective in preventing a variety of cancers.

Abatement Diabetes Naturally. Chromium content in tomatoes can help balance blood sugar levels in your body. So it is more stable and does not endanger the health of your body.

Sharpening Your Vision. Sources of vitamin A in tomatoes serves to maintain eye health and vision organ capable of sharpening a person's eyes to the various objects in the vicinity.

Strengthen and beautify Crown Your Head. Sources of vitamin A in tomatoes can nourish the hair and strengthens the hair from tip to root.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Why is it important to eat vegetables

Why is it important to eat vegetables

Eating vegetables provides health benefits – people who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.

grocery bags filled with fruits and vegetables image

    Most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. None have cholesterol. (Sauces or seasonings may add fat, calories, and/or cholesterol.)
    Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.
    Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Vegetable sources of potassium include sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans, tomato products (paste, sauce, and juice), beet greens, soybeans, lima beans, spinach, lentils, and kidney beans.
    Dietary fiber from vegetables, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.
    Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant should consume adequate folate from foods, and in addition 400 mcg of synthetic folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.
    Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections.
    Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption.

Health benefits

    Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
    Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers.
    Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
    Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.
    Eating foods such as vegetables that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Benefits of Avocados can cope with kidney stones

Benefits of Avocados can cope with kidney stones

fruits avocados

Various benefits can be obtained from avocado, either fruit or leaves. Researchers from Shizuoka University, Japan. For example, discover the benefits of avocado in reducing liver damage, including damage caused by the hepatitis virus. Here are a few benefits. 

Coping with kidney stones: Drinking water steeping seven leaves of avocado with ½ cup of hot water every morning and evening. 

For back pain: Boil 5 pieces of avocado leaves and 500 cc to 250 cc of water to stay warm. the dew overnight and drink the next day. Make a second consecutive week. 

For thrush: Mix a ripe avocado with two tablespoons of honey and three meals a day. Smooth the skin: Puree avocado and after that for 30 minutes and apply evenly to the face and hands washed with warm water

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Benefits of Apples and dangers if it does not consume

Benefits of Apples and dangers if it does not consume

Apple fruits

Appearance and ripe red apple invite imagination and taste buds of the beholder. Apple forbidden fruit dubbed sensual and has its own charm. Moreover, this fruit has many health benefits, namely: 

1. Lowering cholesterolApples are known contain phytochemicals, antioxidants effective against bad cholesterol (LDL). Life Science in 1999 wrote, in addition to lowering bad cholesterol, apples also increases good cholesterol (HDL). The content of pectin and acid D-glucaric instrumental in apples help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body.

 2. Preventing cancer and healthy lungsNational Cancer Institute in the US reported, flavonoid substances in apples proven to reduce the risk of lung cancer by 50 percent. Research from Cornell University in the US found that phytochemical substances in the skins of apples inhibit the growth of colon cancer by 43 percent.

 3. Prevent heart disease and strokeBritish Medical Journal (1996) notes, apples proved to prevent stroke. 
 Publication of research in Finland (1996) showed that the flavonoid-rich diet experienced a lower incidence of heart disease

.4. Lose weightAs a good source of fiber, apple is good for digestion and help you lose weight. Apples are an excellent snack for people who are losing weight because of the high fiber content, thus preventing hunger comes more quickly. 

5. Maintaining healthy teethApples also contain tannins, substances that are useful to prevent periodontal tooth decay. Gum disease is caused by plaque forming bacteria stick to each other. That's according to the Journal of the American Dental Association (1998).

 6. Make women stay beautifulThe content of boron in apples proven to help women maintain estrogen levels during menopause. Maintaining estrogen means to reduce interference caused by hormonal imbalances in the time of menopause, such as hot flashes, pain, depression, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

 7. Protect the body from the flu virusKonowalchuck in 1978 issued a publication regarding the antiviral effects of apple juice. According to him, the apple cider is very good for attacks against viral infections because of increased stamina and immune system due to the consumption of apple juice.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Efficacy strawberry that few people know

Efficacy strawberry that few people know

strawberry fruits

Strawberry is the fruit of a herbaceous plant which on average has 200 small seeds per one fruit. There are 700 kinds of strawberry. One of the species named Fragaria L. chiloensis this type that spread to various countries of America, Europe and Asia. Other species namely F. vesca L. This one is more widespread than other species. This type of strawberry also the first to enter Indonesia. Ripe strawberry red color on very reasonable. The red color is caused because the fruit is rich in anthocyanin pigments and high in antioxidants. Hearing the word antioxidant, you must already know that it means very much usefulness. And you are right! Strawberries exceptional nutritional store. In addition to these antioxidants, it is also rich in fiber, low in calories, and contains vitamin C, folate, potassium, and ellagic acid. 

Want to know the properties of strawberry?

1. Strawberry able to shrink the cholesterol levels.2. Strawberry can help knock out active work of cancer because they contain ellagic acid that.3. Strawberry able to reduce the symptoms of a stroke.4. Strawberry contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory.5. Concentration of seven antioxidant substances exist in strawberry is higher than other fruits or vegetables, so that the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body (Oxidation is the destruction of body tissue due to free radicals. Oxidation is also responsible for the aging process).6. Strawberry is rich in vitamin C is very beneficial for the growth of children.7. Strawberry contains little sugar is also suitable for the diet for people with diabetes.8. Strawberry eaten regularly can smooth the skin and make the skin color look brighter and cleaner. Other notable properties that are anti-wrinkle!9. Strawberry can whiten or clean the tooth surface.10. Strawberry effective against gout and arthritis.11. strawberry leaves is also beneficial because it has astringent substances. Three to four cups of water decoction of leaves of strawberry per day, can effectively stop the attacks of diarrhea.12. The need for vitamin C per day adults can be satisfied by 8 strawberries (98 mg). Also fiber needs can be met at once. 

Property-property side is still abundant in the fruit. For health, the nicest strawberry eaten fresh, either whole or created juice. It works if it has been made jam or part of processed foods, will be greatly reduced. Therefore, try to consume fresh strawberry.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Efficacy mango to prevent cancer

Efficacy mango to prevent cancer
mango fruits

Experts believe the mango is a source of carotenoid called beta crytoxanthin, namely cancer penumpas good material.
Mangoes are also rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C and E. One mango contains seven grams of fiber which can help the digestive system. Most fiber dissolves in water and can keep the cholesterol to remain normal.
Mangoes have chemical properties and certain pharmacological effects, which are pengelat (astringent), urine laxative, tonic, enhancer appetite, mild laxative, sputum and antioxidants.
The content of gallic acid in mango is very good for the digestive tract. While the content of riboflavinnya very good for the eyes, mouth, and throat.
Mango was efficacious help cure a variety of diseases, including skin inflammation, influenza, asthma, vision disorders, bleeding gums, sore throat, inflammation of the airways, shortness of breath and ulcers. It also can cope with boils, scabies, eczema, stomach pains, diarrhea, motion sickness, intestinal worms, lack of appetite, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders, hernia and rheumatism.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Efficacy and benefits of soursop fruit

soursop fruits
Efficacy and benefits of soursop fruitBenefits of a lot of one of them can cure the disease

how to make :Soursop fruit is ripe. Juicing to take water 1 cup, drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

Bladder pain Urine
how to make :Half ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All the ingredients are cooked made compote. Eaten plain, and performed regularly every day for 1 week in a row.

Infant Diarrhea
how to make :Soursop fruit is ripe. Soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water, drinking from a baby as much as 2-3 tablespoons of diarrhea.
Back pain
how to make :20 soursop leaves, boiled with 5 cups water to boil down tinggal3 cups, drink 1 a day ¾ cup.
Boilshow to make :Soursop leaves are still young enough, put in a place exposed ulcers.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Effects Dangers of Eating Fruits Durian Can Be Deadly

9 Side Effects Dangers of Eating Fruits Durian Can Be Deadly


Durian is a fruit that is delicious, but they have strong odors. People who do not like durian can be caused by a pungent smell. The meat was very tender durian suited to be combined with a food or beverage. But who would have thought behind a delicacy, the durian can be very harmful for health. For certain people, durian is not recommended for consumption.
Before turning to deadly side effects durian, we should know the content of what is on the durian.
Durian fruit is nutritious, vitamins are a lot of very beneficial for the body. But what if a maniac durian durian eating more than two pieces. Of course it would have deadly side effects. There are at least five per cent a year deaths caused by durian, sound trivial indeed. But that's reality. Behind delicacy durian save its deadly effects. Unfortunately, not all people know the dangers and side effects of durian. 

1. Fruits Durian Cause High Cholesterol
Dangers and side effects of the first durian fruit is a cause of high cholesterol. Durian contains extremely high cholesterol. For people who previously had a history of cholesterol should not consume excessive durian. Eating durian excess can provoke cholesterol levels rise. If you want to eat durian, eat at most of the pieces only. If high cholesterol would provoke all becomes high as high uric acid. With high cholesterol and uric acid can provoke the occurrence of complications. This is a very fatal complications to one's health. 

2. Durian Side Effects Exposed Causes Diabetes
durianOrang danger of side effects that have a family history of diabetes or diabetes should not eat durian fruit of more than two pieces. High glucose content in durian can be spurring an increase in blood sugar levels, so that the greater the risk of developing diabetes.
People with diabetes should not take more than five seed durian. Glucose content in durian can raise blood sugar levels of diabetics faster than glucose in sugar.
It would be very dangerous when diabetics consume excessive durian, in addition to raising blood sugar can also cause death from high blood sugar.
We recommend that if you already feel your blood sugar is high, you should immediately avoid durian or just eat a little. 

3. Fruits Durian Cause of Death Fetus
The fetus in the womb is not able to withstand excessive heat. If pregnant women eat durian, the effect on the stomach will be hot. Excessive heat will lead to fetal death. The burning sensation due to the high alcohol content. High alcohol levels are also found in jackfruit, pineapple and tape. Create pregnant women should minimize the consumption of all the fruit. 

4. Side Effects of Durian Causes Heart Disease
Heart disease can be caused by excessive consumption of durian. Cases of people dying because it is already a history of heart disease in him. Heart disease aggravated by excessive durian consumption. Cause someone had a heart attack and resulting death is likely to rapid heartbeats. Alcohol and high cholesterol content in the fruit durian heart rate racing heart patients faster. 

5. Durian Cause of Death in Patients with Hypertension (MANDATORY REMEMBER)sponsored links
People affected by hypertension usually have complications with heart disease. The alcohol content is in the durian fruit is able to raise the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Blood pressure rises would trigger a faster heart rate and heart disease suddenly. Blood pressure monitor someone who often is above the pressure of 200 would make him susceptible to heart disease. If the blood pressure and heart attack simultaneously, the effect could happen to her death.
People with hypertension should not consume too much durian if you do not want to have complications. Durian is the cause of high blood meal quickly rose up deadly. 

6. Causing Death When Mixed With Alcoholic Beverages
The alcohol content is in durian will cause death if he met with the alcohol in liquor. Alcohol is met by alcohol will produce sulfur or sulfur. Sulfur that goes into a person's body will decrease metabolism and immune system of a person, even if the amount of sulfur into the body very much will cause death. Sulfur is one of the substances that should not be to get into the human body because the cause of death. 

7. Digestive Problems To Death
Durian consumption should not be accompanied by drinks such as coffee and alcohol. Coffee is a beverage trigger high blood pressure. Too often mix durian and coffee will make a person exposed to the disease complications. Durian also should not be mixed with soda because if it is often done to make a person affected by digestive disorders. Digestive problems in the long run will make the intestines and stomach hurt even perforated. Intestines and stomach cavities can lead to death. 

8. Fruits Durian Until Death Causes of Kidney Disease
Durian there is a substance in the ethanol, methanol and ethyl metacrylate as well as in the form of sulfur or sulfur compounds. Danger of ethanol and methanol have also been very concerned for the health. For kidney patients, all of these substances is not good for the kidneys because the kidneys are already sick can not decipher all the substance. As a result, the performance of overburdened kidney and renal performance declined from 40 percent to 35 percent. These substances also cause a person to have kidney disease. If the kidneys are not a lot of function required a kidney transplant. Otherwise, blood transfusions are done only for pemperpanjang she was not healed. 

9. Danger Durian Fruit Blood vessel narrowing
Compounds in the form of alcohol in durian can cause constriction of blood vessels in the brain. Narrowing of blood vessels made of oxygen to the brain can not be channeled to the maximum, resulting in a stroke. If you've entered a severe stroke, the recovery rate is getting smaller. Constriction of blood vessels is not just a side effect of durian, the hazards of formaldehyde and borax also can result in danger of the same thing.Durian Fruit Consumption Tips
Do not be afraid to consume durian. For those of you who are healthy and not excessively consume durian will not affect anything. In addition there are several ways that can prevent you from side effects durian, do the following:

Drinking Water as much after eating durian, do not drink the water that is colored.
Make use of cavity on durian skin peeling. Fill the cavity of the existing use of water. Allow a few moments, then drink the water. This is useful to remove the smell of durian in the mouth and also can control a person's blood pressure. If this is not done, many who complained of dizziness after eating durian even a little portion.
The consumption of mangosteen after eating durian. Vitamin content in mangosteen can neutralize the effects of durian.
Do not consume excessively.
Netlarisir using vegetable
No consumption of high-fat meat after eat durian.
Given the side effects durian fruit is very dangerous, you should not consume durian if you have a complaint the following diseases:Diseases That Must Avoid Durian

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
Heart disease
Uric acid
High cholesterol
Pregnancy (do lots lots)
Danger durian fruit tablets can sometimes be deadly, especially for the high blood pressure. Please alert.